Providing a quick and easy guide for all sellers

Seller Education Center

The 4 easiest steps to successful online sales

Sign up for Coupang
Register Rocket Growth products
Ship to coupang Logistics Center
Get sales with Rocket Badge
A quick and easy guide for all sellers

Rocket Growth Seller Education Center

The 4 easiest steps to successful online sales

Sign up for
Coupang Marketplace
Register a Rocket Growth product
Ship to Coupang Fulfillment Center
Get sales with the Seller Rocket Badge

Rocket Growth Univ 📚

1. Getting started with Coupang Rocket Growth
Rocket Growth is powered by Coupang Marketplace. You can get started with Rocket Growth by signing up for Wing. Go to and watch the video to get started🤗

2. Register a new Rocket Growth product
This video will show you how to register a new product to sell on Rocket Growth.

3. Register an existing product as a Rocket Growth product
This section explains how to add a product already registered on Wing as a Rocket Growth product.

4. Check whether Rocket Growth registered products are approved
Before you can proceed with the inventory request, you must first check the approval status of the requested product. The status value of the product that can proceed with the fulfillment process is Approved/Selling.

5. Request to receive Rocket Growth products
We will guide you how to send the product directly to the Coupang fulfillment center via courier or truck.

6. Packing the product with Rocket Growth
We will guide you on how to pack the products that are scheduled to be received at the Rocket Growth fulfillment center.

7. Check Rocket Growth inventory/sales status
This section introduces how to check the inventory and sales status of the products that have been received at the fulfillment center. You can check the sales quantity and remaining inventory for each product in Rocket Growth.