5 most common mistakes when inbounding for Rocket Growth

About 80% of all returned Rocket Growth items are due to inspection errors that occur during the receiving process. We recommend that merchants refer to the checklists in the steps for creating a receiving request and packing the incoming items to ensure that they are followed.
• How to create a receiving requisition: checklists for two types of receipts: courier and truck
• How to pack and ship goods: checklists for packing, labeling, and shipping incoming goods

The above are the most common return cases. Other reasons may cause delivery errors and be returned, so please refer to the detailed guide for details. If you do not follow the inbound product guide, it may be returned.
Please refer to the step-by-step warehousing guide for receiving Rocket Growth products
Check out the 32-step streamlined stocking process and consult the step-by-step guide tailored to your chosen shipping method.
* Step-by-step receipt process help (Courier/Milk Run Courier/Milk Run Pallets and Trucks)
* Rocket Growth Coupang delivery request View all help