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Type of business and preparation documents

Step 1
Click HomeTax Login → Business Registration → Apply for Individual Business Registration or Apply for Corporate Business Registration
When carrying out a single mail order business Individual business registration application → Easy mail order business registration It can also be processed through an application, but if you are working in other industries, proceed as an individual/corporate business registration application

Step 2
Check personal details and business characteristics options
The screen you enter on the next page will vary depending on the questions you check yes/no in the business characteristic options.

Step. 3
Enter business information and select an industry
After entering basic information and business location Enter/edit industryClick to enter information

Step 4
Submit required documents
The documents to be submitted vary depending on the nature of the business and industry selected.
Check the list of documents to be submitted and submit the appropriate documents.

Step 5
Apply after final confirmation

Once the business registration application is processed,
Visit your local tax office to pick it up or you can quickly print it out from HomeTax.