This material is provided for the convenience of the seller, and Coupang does not guarantee the accuracy or update of the data, and does not bear any responsibility due to lack of procedures. Please be sure to check the relevant procedures directly with the competent authority.
Before applying, please prepare a certificate confirming the use of the Purchase Safety Service.
You can download it by logging in to Coupang Wing and clicking Verify Business.

Step 1
Government 24 login
If you are running a single mail order business, you can also apply for individual business registration → Apply for simple mail order business registration; if you are working in other businesses, proceed as an individual/corporate business registration application

Step 2
Enter and select trade information, representative information, and sales information

Step. 3
Upload the purchase security service usage certificate downloaded from Wing in the required documents section
Step 4
Select a pickup method and submit
Once the mail order business report is processed after receiving it
You can pay the registration license tax and check the mail order business registration certificate and report number.