Providing a quick and easy guide for all sellers

Rocket Growth Seller Education Center

The 4 easiest steps to successful online sales

Sign up for the Coupang Seller Center
Register Rocket Growth products
Ship to coupang Logistics Center
Get sales results
A quick and easy guide for all sellers

Rocket Growth Seller Education Center

The 4 easiest steps to successful online sales

Sign up for
Coupang Seller Center
Register a Rocket Growth product
Ship to Coupang Logistics Center
Get sales results

Shipping Rocket Growth Products

In the inbound creation phase, you can select the Coupang Fulfillment Center and expected arrival date based on the registered products.
Please ship individual units (each item) packaged separately, with the same quantity as the requested stock entry.
You can check attached documents and enclosed documents at Wing → Rocket Growth → Inbound → Select the relevant inbound product→ Shipment label print and Manifest print.

A guide on how to inbound products can be found at Wing → Help → Rocket Growth → Policy: Product Inbound.

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