Global Nihilo is a golf equipment manufacturer of the brands named The Make and Crision.
Foundedin 2020, Global Nihilo manufactures and distributes golf equipment such asballs, bags, etc. and apparel. And they run two brands: a trendy brand‘TheMake'; and a premium golf clothing brand 'Crision'.
We joined Coupang and Rocket Growth as we shifted our business model from B2B toB2C.
Global Nihilo started selling on Coupang, shifting its business model from B2B to B2C. With proven manufacturing capabilities, they thought that they could reduce distribution costs and strengthen relationship with consumers through direct distribution. After a period of time during which both the manufacturer Global Nihilo and their vendors offer the same products at the same time, Global Nihilo became the exclusive distributor of their new products from 2024. "As we began to sell some of our products exclusively after a transition period to B2C, our sales on Coupang skyrocketed."

We’ve been running our business mainly on Rocket Growth, seeing a sales increase, fast market analysis, and reduction in labor costs.
As of Q3 2024, Global Nihilo generated approximately 70% of their sales of online distribution from Coupang Rocket Growth. With a significant portion of their sales coming from Rocket Growth, they now consider Rocket Growth from the stage of product planning.
"What's unique about Coupang customers is that a larger number of them purchase products that they need the next day compared to other E-commerce platforms. Like, golf balls or gloves. We’re planning to offer more of this kind of products.
We’re also going to improve product quality based on customer reviews and optimize product packaging for the Coupang logistics system. 80% or more of our products are designed considering the Rocket Growth sales environment."
Aside from sales, the best part of Rocket Growth they pointed out as a golf equipment seller is that they can get ‘customer feedback’ very fast.
"The best thing about Rocket Growth is fast customer feedback. In other platforms, once we upload products and run ads for them, it may take from 2-3 weeks to a month to see customer response and foresee demand for the products.
However, it is possible to see customer feedback on our products in 1-2 weeks on RocketGrowth. I think that's why we’re more focused on Coupang Rocket Growth."
They also think the Rocket Growth service fees are reasonable.
"While operating business as a CEO, I've seen first-hand that Rocket Growth really simplifies ad management/logistics/CS operations compared to our own mall or other channels.
Thanks to RocketGrowth, we’ve seen higher sales from online distribution with fewer logistics/CS personnel. This brought changes to us and now our workforce is mainly composed of people who specialize in planning and design of online distribution. Considering how much we have saved costs for business and personnel, we're rather happy with the fees."
They plan to sell all of their products with a high demand on RocketGrowth.
"All the product we sell on Rocket Growth are carefully managed throughout the sales process to ensure that there are as few issues as possible with the product quality, packaging, etc. We review products to see whether or not they’re inconstant demand and their inventory is stably managed, and offer those that meet the conditions via Rocket Growth."
In partnership with Rocket Growth, we're able to focus more on new product planning and branding.
"In other channels, even if we developed good items, it took a lot of time and money as a new seller to gain more customer touch points and display our products, making it difficult to try selling various products and showcase them. However, we confirmed that on Coupang, where product exposure is determined by product competitiveness, our products could be exposed at the top as long as they’re highly competitive, regardless of when we joined Coupang. I believe Coupang provides an environment where we can compete with other sellers fairly. Our goal is to focus on product planning to introduce a variety of new products and to make our brands well-known in the golf product category so much so that people can say, “If you’re looking for trendy golf equipment, go toThe Make and Crision”