Register for Rocket Growth's February webinar

A screen shot of a webinarDescription automatically generated

Regular webinars prepared to help more sellers grow

In 2024, many sellers started Rocket Growth and experienced great growth within Rocket Growth.
In order for more sellers to grow with Rocket Growth, a regular webinar program has been established on how to start Rocket Growth.
We will provide a correct introduction to Rocket Growth, guidance on how to get started, and help sellers onboard Rocket Growth through Q&A sessions.

We recommend this to sellers who are thinking about this.
✅ I want to make a second salary through online sales, but I don't know how to do it.
✅ I want to start Rocket Growth quickly from start to sale.
✅ I know that Rocket Growth handles various things, but I don't know exactly what kind of business it is.
✅ When registering a product, I wonder how to register the product name, thumbnail, and detailed page to sell well on Coupang.
✅ I want to stock the product and make my first sale quickly.

February Rocket Growth Regular Webinar Schedule

From the start of Rocket Growth to product listing, inbound, packaging, and first sales, you can easily and quickly start Rocket Growth through the February webinar. Please refer to the schedule below and register for the webinar

Register for Rocket Growth Webinar (2pm-3pm)

  • February 13 (Thu) | 'Start with Rocket Growth’ Webinar
  • February 18 (Tue) | 'Product listing to increase view’ Webinar
  • February 29 (Wed) | 'Inbound without return’ Webinar
  • February 25 (Tue) | 'Make First sales’ Webinar

Benefits of participating in webinars

Benefit 1. We will invite you to the in-depth webinar course after the regular webinar.
Benefit 2. We will assign a dedicated Coupang manager to provide free consulting for 2 weeks.
Benefit 3. We will provide materials to help you get started with Rocket Growth.

Rocket Growth helps sellers succeed

Rocket Growth helps sellers succeed
seller rocket badge 1

Multiple promotion opportunities for rocket growth >

Ad consulting and funding support to boost sales growth > (supported if eligible)

Rocket Growth now offers support for Coupang Live Commerce > (fees applied)