Coupang Rocket Growth Guide

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2024 Korea E-commerce Fair

Held at the 2024 Korea E-commerce Fair “Rocket Growth with Coupang Rocket Growth” Welcome to the seminar

If you sign up for a Rocket Growth 1:1 guide using the below link, and we'll provide you with a PDF guide <how to get started with Rocket Growth> and <1:1 phone consultation> to help you get started right away.
📌 일시 : 2024년 10월 8일 () 오후 2시
📌 진행 : 온라인 Zoom 진행 (신청자에 한해 웨비나 줌링크 사전 전달)
📌 신청 : 웨비나 신청하기 버튼 클릭 후 정보 입력
Main consultation details
Why Rocket Growth is an opportunity now
Get started with Rocket Growth in 2 weeks
Effective strategies to increase exposure and revenue at Rocket Growth

I especially recommend it to people like this
Those who are unsure about where to sell products
Those looking for ways to grow sales in the second half of the year
Those who want to quickly increase sales with a small number of people

👍 Seller Program Participation Benefits
Rocket Growth quick start guide provided
Providing 2 weeks 1:1 close consultation

⏰ Application Period : 10/31(Thu)~11/4(Mon)

Rocket Growth, how do I get started?


Join the Coupang Wing Seller Center

Rocket Growth is available at the Coupang Marketplace and
They are operating together.


Product registration with Rocket Gross

Rocket Growth when registering a product
Please check the box.


Simply put it on and you're done!

I will receive the item at the Coupang Fulfillment Center.
You can easily get even just one!

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쿠팡 윙 판매자센터 가입
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함께 운영이 되고 있어요.
로켓그로스로 상품등록
상품등록시 로켓그로스
체크박스를 선택해주세요.
간단하게 입고 끝!
쿠팡 풀필먼트 센터에 상품을 입고해요.
단 1개라도 쉽게 입고할 수 있어요!