Rocket growth with Coupang Rocket Growth

Grow with Coupang Rocket Growth

Switch to Rocket Growth

and boost your sales!

seller rocket badge 1

Unlock the Seller Rocket Badge
and watch your sales soar!

With a Seller Rocket Badge!

Boost your visibility to
more Coupang customers!

Boost your visibility
to more Coupang

Zero cost burden until sales are generated!

No costs until you start selling!

Join Rocket Growth

and start selling

and start selling

Coupang's rocket innovation saves sellers time

Coupang saves sellers time

Rocket Growth handles all:
inventory, storage,
packaging,shipping to CS.

Get started with Rocket Growth
Already have a Coupang Wing account?
Discover the powerful benefits of Rocket Growth
coupang delivery truck
365-day fast shipping, no holidays,
same/next-day Seller Rocket delivery
box picture
Flexible stocking options, Stock as
little as 1 item, set your own price & quantity
as desired
coupang delvery person
Say goodbye to return worries!
We've got you resell returned items
a female coupang seller
Coupang Logistics' fulfillments
reduces seller operational burden

Discover the Powerful Benefits of Rocket Growth

365-day fast shipping, no holidays,
same/next-day Seller Rocket Delivery

box photo

Flexible stocking options, Stock as
little as 1 item, set your own price & quantity

Say goodbye to return worries!
We've got you resell returned items

Coupang Logistics' fulfillments reduces
seller operational burden

How to start Rocket Growth


   Sign up for the Coupang              Marketplace

Rocket Growth is available within Coupang MarketPlace


Product registration with            Rocket Growth

Check the box for the Rocket Growth while registering a product


       Simply put it on and                you're done!

Add the label to the box and send to Coupang.

How to start Rocket Growth
Sign up for the Coupang Marketplace
Rocket Growth is available within Coupang MarketPlace
Product registration with Rocket Growth
Check the box for the Rocket Growth while registering a product
Simply put it on and you're done!
Add the label to the box and send to Coupang.
Get started with Rocket Growth

Rocket Growth Price structure

Sales Fees
This fee is only charged for products sold, and varies by product category.
View sales fees by product
Shipping & Delivery Fees
You only pay for the products sold.
View details
Logistics Center Storage Fees
The storage fee will be charged after 60 days.
View storage rates after 60 days
View storage rates after 60 days
How much can I earn with Rocket Gross?
If you sign up for Rocket Growth,
Use my estimated estimate and profit with the Rocket Growth Calculator
You can check it out right now first.
Check out Rocket Growth fee estimate
Sign up for Rocket Growth and
head to the Wing page.
Navigate to Settlement > Rocket Growth Settlement Status >
Click on [Rocket Growth Fee & Fee Guide] to access the fee calculator (5th option)
and get an estimate of your fees!
Check out Rocket Growth fee estimate
Sign up for Rocket Growth and head to the Wing page.
Navigate to Settlement > Rocket Growth Settlement Status >
Click on [Rocket Growth Fee & Fee Guide] to access the
fee calculator (5th option)
and get an estimate of your fees!


Hear from our thriving store owner

Rocket Growth has been a game-changer! I focus on creating great products, while they handle the rest - storage, packaging, inventory, shipping, and customer service. What a relief!
Moon Jang-hyeon, CEO of Moon Collection (Fashion Apparel)  
bubble tail
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Hear from our thriving store owner

Selling on other platforms meant I had to wear many hats - product planning, web design, customer service. But thanks to Coupang's Rocket Growth, they've taken customer inquiries off my plate, freeing me up to focus on what matters most!
Min Kyung-hoon, CEO of Shuspresso (Shoes)
bubble tail
play button

Hear from our thriving store owner

Rocket Growth helped us achieve the impossible! We flipped our business in under a year, hitting 200 million won in monthly sales with a small team - no office needed
Yeon Han-hee, CEO of 16 Pieces(Office Furniture)
bubble tail
play button
ceo profile 1
Rocket Growth helps sellers succeed
seller rocket badge 1

Multiple promotion opportunities for rocket growth

Advertising consulting and funding support to boost sales growth

Rocket Growth now offers support for Coupang Live Commerce too! (Fees apply)

Rocket Growth helps sellers succeed

seller rocket badge 1

Multiple promotion opportunities for rocket growth

Advertising consulting and funding support to boost sales growth (available upon meeting eligibility criteria)

Rocket Growth now offers support for Coupang Live Commerce too! (Fees apply)

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Rocket Growth?
Q. What's the difference between Coupang Marketplace and Rocket Growth?
Q. How do I get started with Rocket Growth?
Q. What categories can I enter Rocket Growth in?
Q. Can I list and sell the same product on both RocketGrowth and Marketplace?
Q. Can I use Rocket Growth if I sell a small amount of items?
Q.What happens when a customer returns an item?
Q. Is same day and next day delivery available for Rocket Growth?
Q. How does Rocket Growth settlement work?

Register preliminary seller information
Get the Rocket Gross store guide!

Onboarding Document
How much is the storage fee after 60 days?
- The number of storage days is calculated from the day after the product is displayed in the logistics center.
- The storage fee is calculated on the assumption that the entire inventory is first-in, first-out.
Storage fee example
Example product size
How to calculate CBM (m3)
0.26 x 0.32 x 0.05 m = 0.004 CBM
Storage period
Daily storage fee per piece
61 to 90 days
0.004 CBM 12 yuan per day
91 ~ days
0.004 CBM 20 yuan per day
1 CBM storage fee
1 CBM size
How to calculate CBM (m3)
1 x 1 x 1 m = 1 CBM
Storage period
Daily storage fee per CBM (m3)
61 to 90 days
1 CBM 3,000 won per day
91 ~ days
1 CBM 5,000 won per day
How much is the storage fee after 60 days?
- The number of storage days is from the day after the product is displayed in the logistics center
It's calculated.
- Storage fees are first-come-first-served for the entire inventory
It is calculated based on assumptions.
Storage fee example
Example product size
How to calculate CBM (m3)
0.26 x 0.32 x 0.05 m
= 0.004 CBM
Storage period
Daily storage fee per piece
61 to 90 days
0.004 CBM 12 yuan per day
91 ~ days
0.004 CBM 20 yuan per day
1 CBM storage fee
1 CBM size
How to calculate CBM (m3)
1 x 1 x 1 m
= 1 CBM
Storage period
Daily storage fee per piece
61 to 90 days
1 CBM 3,000 won per day
91 ~ days
1 CBM 5,000 won per day